Submitted by Eloise. This is a file we use to keep track of all those little lists that normally would be on scraps of paper in front of my address book, on our desks, in the kitchen (hospitality lists) or anywhere else we stash notes we want to remember.
Whenever we have something we'd ordinarily write a note for whether it's a wish list, an idea for somewhere we want to travel or a movie we want to see we place it in this file.
It also contains cards detailing Emergency Preparedness and helping one's family plan for a disaster. It has contact cards for our family and friends which makes it easy to print out lists when doing invitations or in an emergency situation.
The file contains cards for restaurants for our area dividing them into those we want to try, those that offer "car side to go" or take-out, and those that deliver. We list the restaurant telephone numbers, addresses, hours they are open and whether or not they accept reservations on the list of those that we want to try along with the name of whomever recommended the restaurant if that's how we heard about it.
I keep "hospitality lists" and those too have cards in this file. On one list I keep the names of friends and family who have special dietary needs, food allergies, or if I know a particular food or beverage is a special treat. It helps particularly when having overnight guests!
On the other list I keep track of menus I serve, the date of the dinner party and the guests served. That way the same guests aren't served the same menu twice.
Our "honey do" (to do) lists are on separate cards divided by indoor and outdoor things to do. We also use cards to keep track of books and/or media we borrow or loan to others. Finally we can track down missing items - or at least know where they went!