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Version compatibility

File format in versions 3.x and 4.x is different. It is possible to open version 3 .azz file in version 4 program but not otherwise. Both versions can coexist on one computer, so it is important to understand the file behaviour.

Loading .azz file, that was created in version 3 program, into Azz Cardfile version 4:

version 3 file open in version 4 software

The program automatically converts the .azz file to version 4 format, and creates a backup copy in version 3 format:

converts and creates a backup

Returning to version 3 program

Simply trying to open .azz file, that was created in version 4 program or has been opened in version 4 program:

version 4 file into older version 3 program

will result in "File not found" error.


1. Rename the ???.version3.azz.bak to carry extension .azz and load into the version 3 program.

2. If the .azz file was modified after converting it to version 4 format, or it was created in version 4 program, first open it in version 4 program:

version 4 file open in version 4 software

and export to version 3 file format:

export menu
export select

Version 3 .azz file will open in version 3 Azz Cardfile program:

version 3 file open in version 3 software

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