Version 5.1 released

Dear azzCardfile users,

New version 5.1 was released on 2024-12-21.

Download it from:

What is new there?

  • A lot of fixes and improvements have been made to text styling. Read more about text styling in the Samples tutorial Styles card.
  • Appearance options are file-specific and can be exported and imported. Read more about it in the Samples tutorial Options card
  • Modifying Appearance options allows to simulate Dark mode. Read more about it in the Samples tutorial Dark mode card
  • Export to web page (.html) improved. An index or even a navigation panel with a filter can be included in the single exported file. As a result, a simulation on the web can be produced, providing a workaround to use azzCardfile data on iOS (iPhone), Android, and other operating systems.
    See exported sample:
  • Cleanup and repair file tool improved. Read more about it in the Samples tutorial repair card
  • Export to csv implemented
  • Ungrouped cards tab added
  • Gmail support sending email to author: Tools | Options | General | Use Gmail to contact author
  • Archiving files set on timer (86400 s = 1 day) in case of keeping file opened long time.
  • Bugs fixed:
    • fixed hyperlinks detection on type
    • fixed opening password protected or not azzdb files
    • fixed replace text in card titles
    • fixed hint on text color or background buttons

Many others fixes

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May this festive season bring joy, peace, and prosperity to you and your loved ones. Thank you for your continued support and trust in my software. I look forward to making new versions in the coming year.

Warm regards,


Downloading azzCardfile installer

Microsoft Defender SmartScreen filter may mistakenly label the azzCardfile installation file as unsafe and prevent the download from being completed.

Download the file by following procedure:

In the web page click “Download” (1), then “Download” (2). You will get something like this (3) in the top right corner.

Point to (1) “azzCardfile_5_..”, click to “…” (2), then click to “Keep” (3).

Click “Show more”

Click “Keep anyway”

Click “Open file” to install azzCardfile immediately (1), or Folder sign (2) to open Downloads folder where installation file “azzCardfile_5…Setup.exe” should be located.


Give all necessary Windows permissions during the installation. (It is hard to get necessary certifications, but I am working on that).


azzCardfile 5.0.6

Dear azzCardfile users,
new update for azzCardfile 5 is released – version 5.0.6 – hotfix
Download it from

What is new there:
• Fixed search
• Fixed card list align
• Fixed live spell check pop up menu
• Other small fixes
• added menu “Go to Group” (Ctrl+Alt+G)

What next?
• Dialing
• Styling
• Android

Thank you for your support.

I appreciate your interest in azzCardfile and I am glad to hear from you. If you have any questions or feedback, please follow these steps:
• To find answers to common questions, please read Sample file cards (Help | Sample tutorial) and visit azzCardfile FAQ page: azzCardfile Frequently Asked Questions.
• To submit suggestions for future releases or report bugs, please email me directly (as described below) – it is most reliable communication method. My responses to blog posts, forums or Facebook group may take longer.
• To contact me directly, please click Help on azzCardfile menu and select Email to author. Please do not change the Subject line – this will ensure that you get priority email support. Please include the azzCardfile and Windows versions in your message. Please describe in detail what steps you take and what happens (or does not) and exactly what error messages you get.
I apologize that I cannot reply to each message (requests from registered users seeking support have a priority), but I can assure you that I value all of them. I will try to reply as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Best regards,

azzCardfile 5.0.5

Dear azzCardfile users,
new update for azzCardfile 5 is released – version 5.0.5.

Download it from

What is new there:

  • File notes added – each file can have notes – free text for versioning, copyright, etc. Get there: Tasks | File properties.
  • Card popup menu improved – just right-click on card text.
  • Compress pictures improved: show sizes, cleanup after compress.
  • Dictionaries added: Basque, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Vietnamese.
  • Unlock shortcut set to Ctrl+Shift+F11 (was Ctrl+F11, but it interferes with some Win default).
  • Advanced search fixed.
  • Insert Date Time keyboard shortcut created (Shift+Ctrl+D).
  • Ruler fixed.
  • Encrypted file importing fixed.
  • Import option to merge or create a new file.
  • Suggest importing .azz files on first time running.
  • Many other fixes and small improvements.

What next?

Other fixes are in progress, version 5.0.6 will be released soon with more improvements (shorter waiting time than between versions 5.0.4 and 5.0.5. I might also make some hot fixes if necessary).

I am working on simplifying the default text and paragraph formatting to make it easier for you to style your cards.

In parallel I will continue to publish azzCardfile reader for Android in Google Play Store.

If you are eager and undaunted azzCardfile lovers who understand what you are doing, if you are familiar with the instructions on the website, you can download an apk right now: I am using azzCardfile Android myself – it works fine as a reader.

Thank you for your support.

I appreciate your interest in azzCardfile and I am glad to hear from you. If you have any questions or feedback, please follow these steps:

  • To find answers to common questions, please read Sample file cards (Help | Sample tutorial) and visit azzCardfile FAQ page: azzCardfile Frequently Asked Questions.
  • To submit suggestions for future releases or report bugs, please email me directly (as described below) – it is most reliable communication method. My responses to blog posts, forums or Facebook group may take longer.
  • To contact me directly, please click Help on azzCardfile menu and select Email to author. Please do not change the Subject line – this will ensure that you get priority email support. Please include the azzCardfile and Windows versions in your message. Please describe in detail what steps you take and what happens (or does not) and exactly what error messages you get.

I apologize that I cannot reply to each message (requests from registered users seeking support have a priority), but I can assure you that I value all of them. I will try to reply as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Best regards,

azzCardfile 5.0.4

New update for azzCardfile 5 is released – version 5.0.4.
* Export to html
* Scan hypertext (find a button in the bottom of Card properties Task panel)
* Paste as text item in ribbon menu
* Export to Android (.azzdbs) fixed, apk file updated
* Many fixes and small improvements
Other fixes are in progress, version 5.0.5 will be released soon with more improvements.

azzCardfile 5.0.3

Dear azzCardfile users,

New update for azzCardfile 5 is released – version 5.0.3.

Version 4 and 5 license files compatibility is fixed*.
Card background color imports from version 4 properly now.
Other bug fixes and small improvements.

Other fixes are in progress, version 5.0.4 will be released soon with automatic hyperlink detection and other improvements.

Thank you for support.

If you didn’t find the appropriate answer, or you’d like to comment on the program, submit suggestions for future releases or report what you think is a bug, please click Help on azzCardfile menu and select Email to author. Do not change Subject line – you will lose priority E-mail support. Be precise: include the azzCardfile and Windows versions in your message. Describe in detail what steps you take and what happens (or does not) and exactly what error messages you get.
I apologize that I cannot reply to each message (requests from registered users seeking support have a priority), however, I can assure that all of them will be taken into consideration. My apologies for the delay in replying. Many of messages require urgent response; some of them demand time for considering the matter.
Those who have difficulties communicating by email, can fill azzCardfile support form. It is not as reliable as default way.

* – in version 4 you activate license file azzCardfileLicense.txt. After clicking “Import License File” button, a special encrypted file azzCardfileLicenseEncrypted.lic is created in “C:\ProgramData\azzCardfile” folder.
Version 4 checks this encrypted file.
If version 5 finds this azzCardfileLicenseEncrypted.lic file, a link to upgrade appears in “Help | About”.
Version 5 license file registration is different: when you activate license file azzCardfile5-License.txt, it is just copied to “C:\ProgramData\azzCardfile” folder.
There was a bug in version 5.0.1..2 – during version 4 detection, azzCardfileLicenseEncrypted.lic file was changed, and version 4 did not recognize it later (this zip error).
This bug id fixed in version 5.0.3.

Happy New Year!

Best regards,

azzCardfile version 5 final

Dear azzCardfile users,

After a long testing I decided to release final version 5 as it is now.
There are still things left to fix, but many testers are already using this new version, it works in most cases.
I would like to improve it more before the release, but that development could take forever.
Therefore, I would appreciate it if you could accept azzCardfile version 5 as it is, try to install it, try to use it, and report me about issues. There will be many more improvements, I will publish updates regularly.

To upgrade to the new version, I suggest the following steps:

1. Do not uninstall previous versions of azzCardfile. Versions 4 and 5 may co-exist on the same system. Data files are different and do not change each other.

2. Download newest version from

3. Run installation file. Give all necessary Windows permissions during the installation. (It is hard to get necessary certifications, but I am working on that).

Possible solutions if there were problems with the installation:
a. Run installation file as Administrator
b. Make sure the installation file is on your local drive (not in the network)
c. Temporary remove sample.azzdb file from \Documents\azzCardfile Files\
d. If you have version 5 beta, uninstall it
e. Turn off Controlled Folder Access (Windows Security | Virus & threat protection | Virus & threat protection settings | Controlled folder access | off)
f. If none of these solutions worked, write me, and wait for the fix. Let me know your Windows version, what error messages you get (send screenshots)

4. After you installed azzCardfile version 5 successfully and run it first time, you will get to Sample file. Check how the program works. Do not put your important data in this sample file, use other files for that.

5. Import your existing data to the new version.
Make a backup of these files first (do this often, not just following these steps). After that try “File | Open”, select “old azzCardfile files” in the list near “File name” input box. A new file will be created with extension .azzdb. Use this file in future, not original .azz (or .azzx). If you have a link to the original file somewhere (e. g. on the Desktop), update this link or create a new one.
Possible issues importing data files:
a. It can take a long time to import a file (1-2 seconds each card). This is one-time process, new .azzdb files will open fast then.
b. If you get error message like “not valid zip file” or something like that, try to open this file with version 4 (just double-click on this .azz file if you uninstall azzCardfile version 4). If you get same error message in version 4 program, this file is corrupted. Find how to fix it in If you can open this file in version 4, try “File | Save As” and select “uncompressed azz file” in “Save as type” box. Then try to open resulting .azzx with azzCardfile version 5. Let me know, if it didn’t help.

6. After importing all data successfully, check the functionality and convenience of the new version. Enjoy new features, let me know if you missed something that was in the old version.

7. If the new version does not meet your needs at all, you can easily revert new files to old version (File | Export | azzCardfile version 4), use the resulting files with azzCardfile version 4 and uninstall azzCardfile version 5.

8. After testing new version longer time, if you like it, register (upgrade).

I want to thank everyone who helped release azzCardfile version 5 with their notes, comments, language corrections (my English is terrible) and everyone who will continue to send useful suggestions, write about the bugs they find. Soon I will start sending free licenses to the most active testers.

Best regards,

azzCardfile version 5.0 beta 12 released

Version 5.0 beta 12 is ready for testing.

Download link:

Most improvements are done by your feedback, thank you very much for support.

What is new:

  • Export to .docx (MS Word)
  • Cleanup tool added to “File | Tools”
  • Lots of small improvements and bug fixes.
  • Keyboard shortcuts improved – see sample file.

What next:

  • Finish documentation – web site, manuals, guides, etc.
  • Make registration part. I plan to set license price $39 USD, or annual subscription $12/year. Version 4 registered users will get free subscription for one year.
    Your ideas about pricing are appreciated.
  • I will fix phone dialing procedure, if I find a way how to test it – no dial-up modems anymore in my environment.
  • Get all necessary certificates from Microsoft to get rid of system warning messages

It is pre-release version, next will be final.

After publishing final version, I will concentrate on azzCardfile Android application.
Thank you for testing,


azzCardfile version 5 beta 11 released

Version 5.0 beta 11 is ready for testing. Most improvements are done by your feedback, thank you very much for support.
What is new:
• Fixed importing azz version 4 files issues.
• Improved popup menus.
• Improved encryption:
azzdb files are encrypted by default using aes-256 cipher algorithm which provides top strong confidentiality and Integrity. However, this happens at the price of a certain performance reduction, especially for a large database.
If azzCardfile is running slowly after encryption, try to encrypt it using alternative encryption mode.
The aes-ecb cipher algorithm provides comparably weak confidentiality and no Integrity. However, it has the best performance across other encryption modes and is secure enough in most of cases.
• Created a choice of cards selection for printing and exporting (current, selected, all, titles only)
• Small improvements and bug fixes.

Now azzCardfile 5 has almost all functionality, next version will be final or pre-release.